
Blank Canvas.

Posted by meggles83

I ask myself…

What do I want?

What do I need?

What am I not willing to sacrifice?

What can I give?

I want to have hope again…I want to…

Believe in passion…heartbeats…risk…hurt…feeling alive. And I say, no apologies. Own what you do. Laugh. Embrace fear. Find magic. You have this moment and this moment alone, to live. So…

Don’t overthink. Yet we do. Why? Because we are human. Because we care. Because if we don’t have answers we create our own. We say don’t overthink…and then we do…then we assess risk and hurt…weigh what would be lost…Yet we lose more by overthinking and assuming than we realize. Because we create a story that is a false narrative, only based on our understandings.

We lose more by not acting, by not being honest, being real, trusting, asking…diving in. Why don’t we do this? Why don’t we just allow ourselves to dive? Because we might realize we hit bottom…true…

Is it better to lose or never know…?

Change is the only constant. Impermanence. Do don’t overthink. Wish, hope, believe in magic. Don’t overthink. Have patience. Let it evolve. Let it be…it will come if it is to be.

So I ask myself…

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