#creativemagic, #stillbreathing, #thinkdifferently

You Never Know…

Posted by meggles83

You never know…when a piece of advice will turn around your perspective…when a piece of feedback will hit a chord with you that inspires you…when a piece of music resonates with you at the core that you put it on repeat…

You NEVER know…what tomorrow will bring until it becomes tomorrow…what failures you will have in life that actually become your greatness strengths and learnings…what successes were a snapshot in time, yet now your perspective on what ‘success’ means has been re-defined by that way life unfolded…

You never know…when taking the unknown path will pay off…when you will wake up, look in the mirror, and finally me able to say to that face ‘I love YOU’…when you will learn to be alright even when you aren’t alright…when you get news that will make you realize you may not have tomorrow…you never know how strong you are, until you have to be stronger than you ever imagined…

You NEVER know…what a compliment means until you receive one that makes you smile, bring you to the point of tears, or you hide away for those ‘rainy days’ to remind yourself ‘I have got this’…when you will learn what true, unconditional love means and feels like, until you find it…what children really have going on in that brain of theirs until you take time to understand and let your inner child come out…what impact you make on and to others, until someone tells you…

You never know…when you will recover from trauma, until you start to do the work to stop dragging it with you…when you will be satisfied with truly being IN the moment, until you practice it…when you will meet the human of your life that changes your heart in ways you never knew to be possible, until you do…you never know when you will stop in your tracks and need to just let it all out, just for that moment, until you do…

You NEVER know…Until you KNOW.

I never knew I would be a pianist…until I was. I never knew I would l think my HS days were the best I’d ever life, until I graduated and realized the world awaiting me and my best days are each and every day…I never thought I would hurt those I love indefinitely, until I did…I never thought I would live all over the world, until my path took me on that adventure for a decade…I never thought I would live in TX, until I did…

I never knew I would have to re-find myself at the age of 35 and it would take me 5 years to do the deep work to get back to ME…I never knew I would be alright when my world ended at age of 9, until at age of 12 I started to realize that family can look different than what I believed was the norm…I never knew what I believed to be the TRUTH could be proven wrong, until it was and I reshaped my mindset…I never believed some bridges with my family could be repaired, until one day some small steps started to rebuild a few broken spots…

I never thought I wanted kids, until I had twins, and now can’t imagine life without them…I never knew I would be a good ‘step-mom’ until I met two boys that I love like my own…I never thought I would be able to love again and be loved, until I did and learned what unconditional love is…

I never thought I would be able to go from intern to a C-level executive in less than 7 years, until I did…I never knew I would have a few years of rebuilding who I was and my career and be able to overcome what I called ‘failures,’ until I did…I never believed in myself, until I did..I never knew what I was capable of, until I was given the ability to navigate the entirety of an IT organization and alongside trusted colleagues, learned that the sky is the limit…

I never knew I would lose my best friend at 23, until I did…I never knew I would find some of my deepest relationships over margarita pizza, ‘pen pal buddies’ living abroad, espresso martinis, wine at The Lark in SB, SFDC, wine groups, until I did…I didn’t know what soul sisters would have my back, until I went through life defining moments and they stood by me…I never knew I would never get an opportunity to hug my dearest gal again, until I was standing giving a eulogy in Vail, CO…

I never knew I would enjoy down time, until I did…I never knew I could run a marathon, until I crossed my first finish line…I never knew I would learn how to lift weights (and enjoy it), until I had kids and needed to find ways to reset and recover…I never knew I would be okay taking myself out for a ‘date’ until the first time I did it and learned to love the time with myself…I never knew I would have to re-establish my relationship with God, until I was in my lowest and knew faith would pull me out…

I never knew a lot of things…until I did.

I still don’t know A LOT of things…and am intrigued, curious and excited what learnings are ahead…and to figure it ‘all out’ when the time is right.

What I do know…even if I don’t know…but I have faith in…is that I will be alright through it all…no matter what.

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4 thoughts on “You Never Know…

  1. Jim McNeese

    Yet another amazing Blog!! Proud of you. Love you

  2. Laura Dashneu

    Love this writing of yours my beautiful friend and soul sis 💜

  3. Demian

    You’re a rockstar! That was fabulous and inspiring. It takes real courage and strength to put yourself out there and lay it all down for the world to see – well done. I am so proud and honored to know you. God created you as this amazing person of love and light and God is in you and resonates through you – when you know…you know!

  4. Jackie MacElvaine

    This one truly made me stop and reflect on my life. Such a beautiful, relevant share that many could use.. I think I will work on my I never knew… so I can remember all that comes with just trying… you never know 🙂

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