I used to wave to everyone I passed. I used to say ‘good morning’ to those I passed when running on the trails. I lived abroad and even in countries where waving to random strangers isn’t always the best idea, I did. Not only is it polite, I believe everyone has a reason to be seen.
As I move through life, go through experiences that harden the shell of my exterior and trust less, read the news and watch others act…I have forgotten the gift of saying ‘hello.’
My twins boys have learned how to say hello – both in sign and babble. They wake up in the mornings and want to say hi to their puppy. To the books on their shelves. To the trees in the backyard. We go on walks and they wave to complete and total strangers. Those paying attention can do nothing but smile. Some say ‘hello’ back.
One of the books currently in rotation right now with them is called “We Are Together” by Brittany Teckentrup. The words on the page illustrate why saying a simple hello to that person you pass by, matters. The illustrations showcase how we are all unique yet bound together by a common bond, the need to be seen.
On our own we’re special, and we can chase our dream. But when we join up hand in hand, together, we’re a team. We may travel alone, free as birds in the sky, but by flocking together we soar and we fly…we can change the world with the power of words. Let’s all rock the boat so our voices are heard.
Next time you pass someone…give a wave…say hello…open the door…lend a hand.