
Excavator & Firetrucks

Posted by meggles83

Yes…let’s talk excavators and firetrucks….One, because they are part of my world, daily, now and I have become more of a pro on them then I ever thought possible – more to come later…Two, because they more I go out and explore both my community and across all my travels, I encounter them everywhere…and Three, there is a fascination to them that links to life and business I am curious to see if it resonates with anyone.

First. Let’s baseline.

What is an excavator? While usually painted yellow, it can come in a variety of colors. Most are medium in size, though I have come to realize that I think from mini to as large as some buildings are the sizes they can take on. They are compromised of a boom, arm, bucket and cab on a rotating structure that sits atop an undercarriage that is usually made of tracks (though some have wheels). They dig…materials of all kinds, though dirt and rock are common for them to be. Up until the 1990s, they were used for traditional means of digging, however with the invention of hydraulics and looking at the machine in a different light, they now are used to lift of carry out other tasks in more confined space that other types of construction vehicles cannot due their design and size. They have been known to have other names such as rubber ducks, trackhoes, diggers, JCBs, and “360.”

Firetrucks. Okay, you got me…emergency vehicle…red color, well yes, most of the time, however yellow, yellow-orange, orange and white are colors you see now, as they are easier to spot in the dark. The primary purpose for them is to transport firefighters and waters/supplies to emergencies. While fire was a primary reason for their invention, they are always on the scene of accidence, aircraft rescues, technical rescues and wildfire suppression. Their technical name is a fire engine, though we have coined them fire trucks or even fire lorry (depending on where you reside).

My children seem to think they are the most fascinating vehicles on the road. And candidly, my eyes have opened to how many are out there through their eyes. I also would never realize that children think fire trucks need to all be red and that excavators are yellow and are for digging…while my children understand them better than I ever would – there is basic understandings engrained that is due to what they play with and how they see them in our society…and trust me…Never knew my expertise would flourish on learning about these vehicles, even though my Step Dad was a firefighter and I have lived in cities most of my life where there are always construction vehicles…amazing how kids can make you see life through a different lens 🙂

That gets me to my second point. They are everywhere. I went on a run this morning, I spotted 5 excavators. Given the Texas heat, I almost thought I might need a firetruck (kidding…sort of!…but I would have taken water had they been around!)…which speaks to that growth is a constant. Economic growth, building growth and changing landscapes. Change is truly the only constant in life and part of that change includes individuals realizing they want to spend their time and money in areas where there is growth, opportunity and a quality of living. Being from Boulder, CO (one of the most beautiful places with the mountain backdrop) and now living in the North Dallas area where quality of life and amount to do is never-ending…I get it…I get why people continue to flock to areas that provide these types of “services.” In a time where we aren’t in the best economic arena we want to be, it certainly amazes me how much growth and building is happening all around.

So onto my third point….probably wondering…how much coffee has she had today? Well…we all know children are the future and teach us items daily, and also remind of us of what is truly important – details to the little things, the things we pass daily, the items that change us and inspire us, and the things that make us smile. For my children, construction vehicles and firetrucks do that. We all know growth and change is inevitable…yet do we truly pay attention to leveraging our time and resources to the growth and change that really matters? Do we spend our time (think about having buckets that you put time into) in the areas where true investments play out? Builders do…they research and they go to the areas where ROI happens. Fire Fighters spend time where they know they need and will make a difference and cities continue to need to invest in emergency resources to ensure that their cities function effectively.

Yet as individuals – we get distracted. There is so much to focus on. And sometimes what is most important to focus on – business, personal, life – escapes us…because we want what’s next or we want to always be better and inspire…or we take for granted what is right beneath our “fingertips.” Listen, I am guilty as the next…and sometimes I need a break from all the “noise” and the constant “change.” It can be exhausting. Yet…what if the I changed the script and I actually spent the same effort and focused it on less, but did more – for all my buckets that need me – myself, my loved ones, my children, my work, my community. And I did it with priority and focus better than ever before…?

Maybe then, that yellow excavator and red fire engine would always find their path, but those white fire engines and mini excavators to take the “small projects” would be thought of as innovative and unique…driving change that creates new paths and new ways to bring light to our communities and inspire people to do the same.

Today, my challenge is think “excavators and firetrucks” in all you do…if nothing else, it will put a smile on your face…because it seems silly to think of construction and emergency vehicles when assessing simplicity and focuses of life…or does it…

I know the excavator that sits on my desk, given to me by one of my sons…inspires me daily. And for that, today and every day, I am grateful.

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